1 Short Taper Round Shader 0.40mm - Suitable for eyebrow hair technique and thin lines.
3 Short Taper Round Shader 0.18mm - Fine Eyeliner and shades for brows. The sensation of pain is reduced to a minimum by 3-needle points. Thin skin is easy to pigment with this needle.
3 Short Taper Round Shader 0.25mm - Especially suitable for lip contour shading and firmer lines.
3 Short Taper Round Shader 0.30mm - Suitable for fine eyeliner, subtle lip shades and lip contours
5 Short Taper Round Shader 0.30mm -For lip shading, wide contour of the lip, areola pigmentations , corrections and intensive broad eyeliner
7 Short Taper Round Shader 0.30mm -Used for areola pigmentation, big lip surfaces and hair thickening.